The PRIN’s proposal is the delivery of an updated research of the constitutional changes envisaged by the separatist claims that are deeply influencing the balance of the statehood in some European unitary states where working forms of multilevel government are currently fulfilled. The main inquiry is intended to focus on the countries (UK, Spain, Belgium, Italy) where a democratic governance pays to common constitutional principles, and where the nationalist or regional movements’ quest for self-determination, usually enacted through referendums and polls, gains a huge popular support.

The survey will extend to the countries in Eastern Europe where the ghost of separatism is a factor of the constitutional disestablishment of freshly-established democracies and of marginalization of ethnic minorities. Another branch of the PRIN will face the astonishing effects of the Brexit as a starting point of a somehow “macro-separatist” commitment whose consequences are likely to affect deeply the metamorphosis of the statehood outward (the EU) and inward (sub-statal constituent parts). The focus on the Brexit case will help to survey how far the rise of successful separatist campaigns are likely to drive the civil society’s choice toward eurosceptic or pro-Europe orientations.

Principal Investigator: prof. Alessandro Torre (University of Bari)

Local Units: prof. Valeria Piergigli (University of Siena), prof. Cristina Fasone (University oLUISS Guido Carli) and prof. Eleonora Ceccherini (University of Genova).


Activities and events:

  • Culture, Territory and the Rule of Law. An interdisciplinary approach (Pontignano, 17-18 giugno 2022)
  • Cittadinanza e separatismi: esperienze e prospettive in Europa (Siena, 8 aprile 2022)
  • Le identità minoritarie alla prova della pandemia da Covid-19. Una prospettiva comparata (Webinar, 16 April 2021)