Convegni e seminari (2015)
- Constitutional Aspects of the Democratic Transistion in Tunisia (Siena, 21-12-2015)
- Obergefell and Beyond: Religious Liberty in the Age of Pluralism (Siena, 9-12-2015)
- American Federalism and Separation of Powers (Siena, 9-12-2015)
- Equality in political representation: gender in the crossroads of Italy and Mexico (Siena, 27-10-2015)
- La giurisdizione elettorale in Messico (Siena, 17-6-2015)
- Constitutional Review of Immigration legislation in Israel: Between Law and Policy (Siena, 22-5-2015)
- Protection of National Minorities and the Problem of the Secession (Siena, 21-5-2015)
- Nascere e morire: problemi giuridici (Siena, 10-4-2015)
- The next-to-impossible task of reforming the Senate in Canada (Siena, 23-2-2015)
- Il diritto costituzionale spagnolo in un contesto di crisi economica e/o sistemica: bilancio e prospettive (Siena, 28-1-2015)
- II Giornata italo brasiliana di Diritto pubblico comparato (Siena, 9-1-2015)